The content of this biography contains the yearly major lifetime events and achievements of Fu Chuan-fu since the year of his birth, in 1910, till today. Including related news articles and documents, published works or videos, and some historical pictures on the side. The "Search Biography" function provides to search for "All Period" or to search by a 10 year period. "Advanced Search" provides the function to search for any specific year period, and also by the contents and attachments, including contain document, image, and/or video.
Fu Chuan-Fu's (1910~2007) ancestral hometown was in Zhejiang. His given name is “Bao-qing”, also known as Wei-yi, styled himself as “Jue-weng”, “The owner of XinXiang Studio”. Fu gain edification of traditional Chinese Art since his childhood. At the age of seventeen, he was officially accepted to Xiling Painting Calligraphy Art Institute and became an apprentice to Mr. Wang Qian-lou. Due to the Sino-Japanese War in 1938, Fu moved to Shu (Sichuan) and became a pupil of Mr. Chen Zhi-fo. Later on, Fu followed The National Government of the Republic of China to Taiwan in the year of 1949. After moving to Taiwan, Fu became devoted to creating his works. He developed his own unique style in Chinese ink wash painting and calligraphy. The calligraphy style in which he developed was “Lian-mian Script Cursive" (Continuous Grass Script Cursive). Fu saw calligraphy as painting, “using painting techniques in calligraphy is even better than grass script cursive” said Fu. In all the styles of calligraphy that Fu uses, the freely, unrestrained style “Lian-mian Script Cursive” was the most well-known. Fu’s Lian-mian Script Cursive, of which express on an impulse, following his own inclination, freely flowing style of writing, is just like Fu’s style in painting. Before his time, clouds and water are not often seen as the main subject of a painting, more of a decorative matter. In most traditional Chinese ink wash paintings, the imagery of clouds and water was able to be expressed, but it was hard to express the intangible quality of the two. Fu Chuan-fu spent years observing the great landscapes of Main Land China, the great mountains, seas and ocean, and was charmed by the spectacular forms of clouds and water; which was his inspiration for developing the “dot blotting technique”, to capture the lightness, changeable forms of clouds and water of seas and oceans. This technique of expressing different shades of clouds and mists became one of the most unique style in Chinese ink wash paintings. In the book contributed by Fu Chuan-fu, The Fundamentals of Chinese Landscape Painting, stated “The changes of clouds are similar to water, its movements and forms depends on the wind; its forms are intangible, evasive. So, clouds and water should be painted in a lively, natural manner.” Besides his study of clouds and water, Fu also done multiple field research on landscapes of Taiwan. After his studies on Taiwan’s landscapes’ rock textures, Fu developed the painting techniques,“ lie-xia cun”(rift texture stokes), “Tashan cun”(Tashan texture strokes) to appropriately express the features of Taiwan’s landscape. 

Due to Fu’s passion for Art, he founded the LiuLi Art Association, RenYin Art Association, BaPung Art Association, Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Society and Chinese Painting Society. Fu made great impacts on the developments of Chinese ink wash paintings in Taiwan as he taught in many schools, including The Political Warfare Cadres Academy, National Taiwan University of Arts etc. In 1967 Fu received Literary Artistic Award of Ministry of Education. In 1991 received National Awards of Art. In 1998 received Nation Cultural Award of ROC (Taiwan). In 2000 received The Third Arts and Business Awards of Ministry of Culture. Fu opened a new prospect to Chinese ink wash paintings in Taiwan. Fu Chuan-fu was considered, by Fu Shen, as “the spokesman of Taiwan’s landscape paintings” and also “publicly accepted as the painter who best portraits Taiwan’s landscape in Chinese ink wash paintings.” 

Due to Fu’s passion for Art, he founded the LiuLi Art Association, RenYin Art Association, BaPung Art Association, Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Society and Chinese Painting Society. Fu made great impacts on the developments of Chinese ink wash paintings in Taiwan as he taught in many schools, including The Political Warfare Cadres Academy, National Taiwan University of Arts etc. In 1967 Fu received Literary Artistic Award of Ministry of Education. In 1991 received National Awards of Art. In 1998 received Nation Cultural Award of ROC (Taiwan). In 2000 received The Third Arts and Business Awards of Ministry of Culture. Fu opened a new prospect to Chinese ink wash paintings in Taiwan. Fu Chuan-fu was considered, by Fu Shen, as “the spokesman of Taiwan’s landscape paintings” and also “publicly accepted as the painter who best portraits Taiwan’s landscape in Chinese ink wash paintings.” 

To fully present the achievements throughout Fu’s lifetime. The archive of Fu Chuan-fu’s paintings and calligraphy has categorize Fu’s data and information in the order of “Biography”, “Works”, “Documents”, “Culture Relics”,“Publications”etc. In the hope to pass on Fu Chuan-fu’s legacy, the archive of Fu Chuan-fu’s paintings and calligraphy was entrusted to The Taiwan Art History Association.

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